Electronic signatures are being used in many situations, and we are becoming more familiar with talking about Advanced and Qualified electronic signatures. But what is a digital paper? And what kind of problems does it solve?
Signicat will hold a free webinar with Enigio on November 25 which aims at helping participants learn more about Enigio’s advanced technology, trace:original, making it possible to securely create and digitally sign original documents. A trace:original document can be separated from any copy, possession can be transferred from one holder to another and it is even possible to present the original to for example a court of law. Furthermore, the trace:original document maintains full immutability, traceability and all aspects of data protection requirements throughout its whole lifetime.
The speakers
John Erik Setsaas, the VP of identity and verification at Signicat will lead the webinar. He has over 30 years of experience in the identity space. He will be discussing Gunnar Collin, the head of sales and marketing at Enigio, with over 30 years of experience from the financial industry, the importance of digital documents signed with electronic signatures when creating documents of title, negotiable instruments, or any important and valuable original document.
Partnership Between Enigio and Signicat
The Signicat Enigio strategic partnership will allow both companies to leverage their respective technologies to create safe, secure, free and transferable digital original documents to the benefit of everyone today dealing with paper originals or confined to closed platforms.
Register here and share the link with anyone interested in learning about how technology can help to create digital original documents.