ITFA is hosting its second DNI Initiative in-person workshop on 12th July in London.
During this full-day event banks, trade solution providers, working capital platforms and web3 technologists will share their recent progress on policy and product developments related to MLETR, and how to grow SCF origination.
Enigio’s Alex Waites is among a great line-up of speakers and he will present a corporate case study about: Agenda 09:30 Welcome by ITFA Board 09:40 Legal keynote – Preparing for the new Act 10:00 Business keynote – Raising client satisfaction with digital negotiable instruments 10:30 Technology keynote – Putting DLT to work in trade finance 11:00 Coffee break 11:30 Early adopters on stage: how MLETR supports digital trade 12:30 The role of the e-bill of exchange in expanding Supply Chain Finance 13:00 Lunch break 14:00 Digitising e-bills of lading as per MLETR and ITFA dDOC – a Corporate case study 14:30 Integrating e-bills of lading with trade back-office systems 15:00 Coffee break 15:15 Multi-bank digital trade technologies – how will they integrate MLETR instruments? 15:45 Trading using digital warehouse receipts and looking at interoperability 16:15 The Accounting Treatment of Digital Negotiable Instruments – DNI Initiative paper 16:30 Wrap-up and next steps by ITFA Board Members 17:00 Close
Submit your registration through here, by no later than 5th July.